We are showcasing our Decision Pod - a large interactive large portable display - in several venues.

AFSOC CPX, October 2022
We were part of an AFSOC Command Post Exercise at Hurlburt Field, Florida in October 2022. The Decision Pod (DP) was set up inside a tent and used to visualize up to 4 data feeds to demonstrate deployed use as a data wall. It was set up and torn down by the Airmen themselves.

IAEM Conference, October 2021
We collaborated with DisasterTech as their display partner. Disaster Tech’s Decision science Integrated Collaboration Environment (DICE) is a comprehensive situational awareness platform that can take in data, models, and text to communicate across teams. STL’s display was used in IAEM to demonstrate the efficiency gained by shared exploration on a large display when using DICE.

ABMS Exercise, September 2020
We were part of the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) exercise at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada in September 2020. The Decision Pod (DP) was used to visualize and explore data analytics created by Immersive Wisdom as part of the exercise. In words of Lieutenant Colonel Adam Chitwood, “The tech demonstration exceeded all expectations. The big display was easy to see and was preferred by all users over VR goggles. After a few nights of reduced sleep, we found the big display much easier to use than a laptop screen. While not intended for use during the main event of Advanced battle management system (ABMS), it was adopted for that over other display options.